Saturday, 8 June 2013

It's been awhile

Well, it's been a long time since I blogged. I'd day it was because life was busy (it was), my job and thesis take up  more time than expected (they do), or that persistent pet illness keeps putting me through the emotional wringer (it does), but really the biggest reason I haven't blogged? My camera sucked.

You see, after the move, I found myself living in a darker place, with less natural light shining in during the hours I was home, and my poor little point and shoot just couldn't take decent photos. I didn't like having to wait for a sunny weekend to take pictures of my crafty endeavors.

But boy have I been making things!

Knitting is my hobby of choice at the moment (easier to do than needlework or sewing in a dark house), and since I last posted I've learned so much. I even knit socks!

And now, in between vet bills and down payments on a dream vacation, I've saved up enough money and have a new camera! So much better than my old one, and I'm finally starting to learn how to take pictures on manual mode.

So what is pictured above you ask?

Only the spoils from my most expensive yarn shopping day ever! I was in Winnipeg for a conference and to catch up with an old friend. Of course we snuck away from all the science for an afternoon of yarn shopping. We visited Ram Wools Yarn Co-op and Wolseley Wool. Such amazing stores! Friendly people and so many tempting yarns.

What did I buy?

(photo may be dark, but the colours are true)
Clockwise from the top:

- 8 skeins of Ilimani Baby Llama in Sea Green (for my eventual first sweater!)
- Zauberball Crazy!!!! Colour is 1699 Fliederduft
- Tanis Fiber Arts Silver Label Mulberry Silk in Plum
- Handmaiden Fine Yarns Marrakesh in Tourmaline
- Indigodragonfly MCN Sock in "My World is All Askew"

Not cheap, but almost all yarns I had read about online but never met in Ottawa yarn stores.

It feels good to be blogging again. Lots of projects to post!